Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Faulconer Friday coming February 27

You are invited to the next Faulconer Friday, February 27, 4:15 pm, in the Grinnell College Bucksbaum Center for the Arts Room 132 (6th Avenue and Park Street). Enjoy a glass of wine or sparkling water and unwind at the end of the week. Sample from a selection of delicious cheese and fruits. Bring a friend or partner!

Space is limited, so RSVP to Tilly Woodward (269-4663 or woodward@grinnell.edu) by noon, February 24th to reserve your spot!

Dan Strong, Associate Director of the Faulconer Gallery, will give a tour of “Animated Painting,” an amazing exhibition by 12 international contemporary artists who adapt animation concepts and technologies in making their art, combining handwork, digital technology, traditional art forms such as drawing, conventional animation techniques, live-action sequences, abstraction, and collage. Animated Painting was curated by Betti-Sue Hertz, Director of Visual Arts, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco.

Learn more about "Animated Painting":

Programming and events for "Animated Painting"

Clips from "Animated Painting"

(Image courtesy of the Faulconer Gallery, Grinnell College.

Robin Rhode,
Harvest. 2005. Single-channel video projection: b/w, sound; 3:45 min. Courtesy of Perry Rubenstein Gallery, New York

Kota Ezawa,
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, 2005. 16mm animation film, projector: color, no sound; 1:00 min., continuous loop. Courtesy of the artist and Haines Gallery, San Francisco

Jeremy Blake,
Sodium Fox, 2005. Digital video on plasma screen: color, sound; 14:00 min., continuous loop. Courtesy of Kinz, Tillou + Feigen, New York

Ruth Gómez,
Animales de compañía, 2005. Single-channel digitized animation video projection: color, sound; 2:50 min., continuous loop. Courtesy of the artist and Galería Oliva Arauna, Madrid)

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